
Today’s Challenge: Treasure Hunt!

Hello lovelies!

Do you have siblings? If so, I’ve got an idea for you to surprise them with on one of these hot, lazy summer days. Make them a treasure hunt! If you’ve never done this before, let me assure you that it’s a BLAST to make. Simply type or write some clues on little strips of paper, hide them all over the house, and end with a prize for incentive.

The fun thing about this game is that you can make the clues as difficult or as easy as you want. They don’t have to be grammatically perfect or rhyme. You can even just write down key words if you want to. Here are some clue ideas to get you going:


Some eat these with cheese, others with sardines, and some just eat them plain. Your next clue lies there. (in our box of sardine crackers)

1998 images: last page. (the final page in our 1998 photo album)

25# x 20 reps. How much can you bench press? (underneath the 25 lb weights) 

Look in the place where you’ll find little brown strips of protective material and healing ointments. (bandaid closet)

A kid’s favorite pastime, comes in all sorts of colors, rhymes with “man.” (crayon drawer)

Your next clue is hiding in the game that Mom likes to play with tiny wood squares of wood (Scrabble box) 

Story about a long, cold season: page (7 x 8)/2. (A Long Winter, page 28)


Treasure ideas include tasty treats (I used dark chocolate covered pomegranate pieces), water balloons, another craft activity, an invitation to go out for a doughnut or an ice cream cone. Whatever it is, your siblings will be sure to be thrilled!

P.S. This got us all in the mood to watch National Treasure, so there’s another activity for you to do after your treasure hunt. :)

One Comments

  • Anna

    June 21, 2014

    Treasure Hunts are so fun! We enjoy doing them too. We also like that movie. :-) Hope you are doing well! Miss you!

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